
Ethical Fashion Australia combats the 7th deadliest job during the Pandemic

Covid 19 was hard for most people, but especially so for the people that make our clothes.  Garment Workers was highlighted as one of the jobs with the greatest increased risk of death since the start of the pandemic.  So much so, it ranked 7th in the deadlist jobs during the pandemic.  The low wages and poor working conditions contribute to an industry where greed and oppression conquer human rights and quality of life. 

Consumers like you are waking up to this.  Support is given to brands that support their values by shopping at ethical stores.  Consumers would rather invest in a well-made ethical piece of clothing and support a business that’s doing good in the world than contribute to the growing pockets of the Fast fashion giants.  

Ethical Clothing Australia is committed to ensuring that all factory-based workers and garment workers are employed under fair working conditions.  It's an accredited body that upholds the rights of garment workers and makes sure that they get paid appropriately and are employed under safe and fair working conditions.

I am a big supporter of Sustainable, Ethical, Slow Fashion for Babies and I know that the baby clothes you buy from On Chic Baby Clothes are made by happy people.  The brands we support care about the people who sew their clothes and get them perfectly made for your baby.

Do you know #whomadeyourclothes ? 

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